Had one wild week! I was just thinking it would be so great if you could just say I am so over this problem and it really disappear! So I am gonna pretend that I can and give you my list of stuff I am so sooooooooooo over!
10. Waitresses that take forever!!!
9. Thin blond's.
8. Waiting in long ass lines at the store where everyone is using a check to pay!
7. Liars.
6. Walmarts!
5. Babies daddies (I know I am so white trash)
4. Temper tantrums.
3. Slow and I mean slow walking people at the mall that take up so much space you can not pass them!
2. Grumpy kids!
1. MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't hate all thin blond's Crysta :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ten things that I am so over!!!
Posted by Jenny at 7:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Big decision
So in the last couple months I have been sad, nervous, worried, and depressed not to mention I have gained ten pounds from all the stress which is just not acceptable. I hate the person I have become! I worry way to much about making everyone else happy and have decided it is time to make Jenny happy! I have this great friend Rhonda, we work together and I just think the world of her! She is from Hawaii and she has been considering moving back not if but when she will be moving back. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I love the ocean! I love the sound, the smell, it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! In my world sitting on the beach feeling the sun and watching the waves roll in as my kids run up and down the beach is heaven! I have decided to move to Hawaii next winter with Rhonda, just the thought of it makes me happy! Plus that gives me time to enjoy my family and get to see little Oliver grow and all my friends new babies before we leave. I have planned that Mel will live in my place which will be perfect size for her and I will leave my stuff here and start new! I love Hawaiian people and their culture! I am so excited to raise my kids there! Rhonda's family are excited to meet the girls, I love how hospitable they are! I will prob be the whitest person in Hawaii but maybe when I come back to visit I will have a nice tan :)
Posted by Jenny at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Baby Jocelyn
Natalie had a sweet little baby girl! They named her Jocelyn Violet after Nat's grandma. She came to see us over the weekend and my little Oly just feel in love with her! she wanted to hold her and she love her! It was so cute!! I thought she would be jealous but she just loved her.
Posted by Jenny at 6:05 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Loosing Faith
I was hoping that the stories were right that there is at least one decent guy some where out there...I have noticed esp lately that the world is not filled with men and women its filled with women and pigs!
Tonight Stacey and I decided to go get sushi since I was childless and Justin took Chace early so we could go somewhere we wanted and not that revolved around the kids menu. So when we get there we decided to sit at the bar, our chef was noticeably very attractive and I was thinking ok I am all for gettin our food made and served by a hot guy...so he starts the chit chat and flirtin is a flyin! Im startin to think I could be kinda into this guy...dun dun dun...then he asks about kids so I ask in return do you have any? he says yes 4...ok 4 thats alot! but we continue to chat he is wanting to know where we party and invites us to go to wendover...after a while I start gettin the feeling he is a party animal so I ask "you do alot of partying, how can you do that with 4 kids?" he says "oh they all live with their moms ya know in other places" I pause...."so you don't see them?" then he changes the subject...wtf...are there any men that actually stay and help raise their kids???? I was immeadiately turned off! 4 by 4 and not even in the same state as even one of them...It does not matter how attractive you are when you pull shit like that! I refuse to ever date some one who does not regularly see his children...it shows what kind of man he is...
So then after dinner Stace and I went to Walmart to Easter shop also easier with out the childi with us...lol...so were in the bike section trying stuff out and there are these two guys in the end of the isle watchin us...I say to stace "oh I am so excited!!" then the guy interupts and says "you excited us too" and points to his dick???? again wtf!!!! It is no wonder I hate men! Every one I know or run into are nasty ass pigs!
I am very anti man right now if you cant tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Jenny at 8:36 PM 0 comments
I swear sometimes I feel like my whole life is one huge loosing battle! To make one person happy I piss off another. I don't know why I feel it is my job to be the peace maker all the time! At some point do any of you care how I feel? Do I not have the right to feel jipped or not understanding? Ever since I was little I have sucked up how I had felt to focus on making everyone around me happy. I actually feel in the wrong for expressing how I feel if I am upset or disappointed, most the time I apologize even though I feel sad or unhappy just for the sake of not having someone mad at me or even mad in general...I sometimes wish I could just up and leave take me and my girls somewhere new and toss the phone, screw the bills and just have some peace!!!!!!!!
Posted by Jenny at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Visit with the Easter bunny!
Look at these cute little monsters! I was worried it would be faces full of tears but no they loved the Easter bunny! They stayed and played with him for like twenty minutes. They through around the scenery, and tried to pull the buttons off of his vest...lol...
Posted by Jenny at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Antarctica...cool place to be!
Haylee's school put on a program on what they had learned about Antarctica. It was such a cute program and isnt my Hay the cutest penguin of them all????
Posted by Jenny at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Early St. Patricks Day
So we always have family dinner every Sunday, we decided to St. Pat's Day it and also celebrate Stacey and Paul's birthdays! Here are some pics...lol
Lounge time
Lol my mom made a cake...it was actually pretty yummy!
Posted by Jenny at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Stacey!!!
Ok so I am a retard and having problems doing this so it is not in order and the opening paragraph is at the bottom...I am lame!
Funny Story about these guys lol...they were friends of Stacey's friends and the guy Stace is lovin on talked her into giving him her number and the whole time I am like Stacey they are G lol and you have a boyfriend ya member??? Usually I am the one talkin to the wrong guys ha ha! next morning he called her and she had no idea who he was...I had to remind her and show her this pic cuz she thought we were messin with her ...lol!
Oh Liquid Joe's
I was a hit! I swear everyone there had there hands on me all night...lol

Smelly and Stacey

Stacey walking her lemons!

Stacey and her buddy Carlos

We decided to go to our old stomping grounds for Stacey's birthday this year. I forgot how much fun we used to have there! Stacey was a riot! She had 3 AMF's and was plowed!! So here are some pics of our night...with red eye included since our internet has gone haywire I had to use another program to download my pics to and can you believe it had no way to fix red eye???? Well when my comp is back up and running I will replace with the edited pics...enjoy lol!
Posted by Jenny at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
"What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies". - Aristotle
Perhaps the one relation that has survived the trials and tribulations of time and has still remained unconditional is friendship. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship between two individuals. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what is friendship, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.
It is weird to me how protective of our friends we get. I guess I need to set the scene for the past three years Stacey and I have been completely inseparable and considering the fact that she is Justin's ex-wife that is a feat! In the past two years since Olivia has been born she has been at my side through thick and thin 24/7 Olivia considers her another mom and my family has adopted her right into the family. When going through my break down she was the one to stay on top of me and make sure I pulled through it and actually still does. The reason I bring this up is because I realized yesterday that I have been a bad friend to someone close to me by a situation brought on by Stace. She was very mad at me that I spent anytime with Brent this past weekend, she took it very personal and it hurt her feelings very badly she told me that all the help and work she had invested in me and oly I was just throwing back in her face. I felt so sad that I could not share things about oly's weekend with her since she is who I confide in. I felt that she was judging me and choosing to hold my decisions to let Brent be involved in the raising of for lack of better words her child against me when she truly did not understand where my head and heart is (not romantic when I say that for those reading this who should not be)....So I spoke to another close friend about it and I said to her "thanks for not judging me" and she says "How can I dear, I have not walked in your shoes" OUCH!!! So I need to clear this up! I feared for this friends safety and in doing this I made judgments about her decision...I think you know who you are and I apologize for thinking I could possibly know what is best for you and your family better than you do! I love you and hope that you forgive me for being such a terrible friend!
"A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out."
Posted by Jenny at 5:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Wheeler Farm
So I have decided there is nothing in Utah to do with the little kids! It was such a cold day, Brent and I tried to find some where entertaining to a two year old we even braved the terrible smelling Jungle Jims which scared Oly! She held on to me with an iron grip. So we ended up at Wheeler Farm to pet the stinky animals. Olivia's favorite animal was the cows and they also favored her...lol!
Our first animals on our adventure...ya I don't know what they are a goat maybe???
Big girl Oly
B and Oly
The new baby cow
The day old lamb.
Let me in! Let me in!!
Olivia trying to pick the cows nose...lol! The cows loved her! Of course she loves the smelliest of all the animals!
Posted by Jenny at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Baby Niki
Here are some updated pictures of our little Baby. April says she is doing great and she loves living there and has made all sorts of new doggy friends :) I really miss her but April is such a better mommy then I can be to a puppy right now!
Posted by Jenny at 7:39 PM 0 comments