Thursday, May 28, 2009

Congrats to ME!!!

Finally life seems to coming together for me! Someone who treats me like a queen! I get a new baby with out even having to be pregnant (thanks stacey) and best best of all!!! I decided it is time to move! I applied for a loan so that I can buy a town house (I chose a town house because I do not have to do any maintenance and I love the thought of never having to mow the lawn and having a pool!!!) anyways I was approved for my loan!!! All by myself! With no help from anyone! my own down payment saved my own credit and also with out the help of any man!!! I love it! I have narrowed it down to three places...I can not tell you how excited I am! And I deserve it! For once I feel like all the hard work I do and have done is finally paying off :)

Life is good!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Picture day...

I had taken Oly and Hay to Kiddie Kandids to get Olivia's two year pictures done. What a morning! I spent like forty five minutes on Oly's hair it was all curled and in cute favorite way to do her hair! And by the time we got to pictures they had been pulled out and she broke her ponytail holder...I gave up so this is my oly messy hair and all! Also she picked out this Hurley tank all by herself and I decided since it was cute and she picked it out she should wear it for pics...I am so happy/sad she is growing up! And for once Hay did amazing! So hear are their updated pics...enjoy!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Olivia turns two!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Two years yesterday...He left her...two days before she was born.

Hope it was worth it.

Fun at Wheeler Farm

Hay and Ariana

Oly chasing the poor wildlife


June, Oliver, Andrea and Hanny

Sophie and Oliver

My hurley girly

She kept chasing this poor bird

Rhonda brought bread for the girls

My Haybug

So after the dance recital we decided to walk around Wheeler farm. The girls had a great time although Oly got tired since we had just had her two years pics taken right before. All I wanted was for her to learn to walk lol now she is even faster she is a two man job, one to chase and one to cut her off at the I love my girls so much!

Kymbrielle and Shaydee...Just Dance!

Kymbrielle and Shaydee preformed at Wheeler Farm and we were so excited to go watch! They both did a great job...It was fun to get to meet up with Crysta since I never see her much anymore! Can you believe I used to watch Shaydee when she was a baby? She is getting so old!

Hay's looses her first tooth!!

Here are some pictures of Hay and her first lost tooth! She was so excited to loose her tooth and to get the money from the tooth fairy! But my spoiled little girl got money from grandma, grandpa, and the tooth fairy....she made a small fortune off of this one little tooth :) I'm hoping we have better luck with her perm teeth! as you can see from her pics my poor baby has already had two root canals and we brush and floss...the works...genetics suck! I am assuming it is a Godfrey thing.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day

I am always very lucky and spoiled on Mothers day! It is always such a great day yet it is my least favorite holiday! It will prob make no sense to anyone but me but I will try to explain it...I hate that only one day a year mothers are recognized for all that they do. Being a single parent sucks worse then anything I could imagine, I mean I get all the love but I do all the work I don't get a break or vacation I am mom 24/7 don't get me wrong I love being a mother but I hate that only one day a year it is appreciated or thought about...I would like to have one of the jack asses that fathered my children to appreciate how well I take care of their children while they do nothing yet get to show everyone the cute pics of their kids like as if to take credit for them or all the work that goes into raising them. If they had any clue how hard I work....I just wish my kids had fathers that really helped out...

Also I am very sad that my little Oly is going to be two this upcoming Monday. She was my little baby and my last baby and she will be turning two and I know that is life and that kids grow but I just want her to stay my little baby always!

well here are a few pics from Ma's Day

Also Congrats to Stacey!!! She found out she is to be a mommy again and I could not be more excited!!!! Just one more baby to add to our strange little clan :) Although I am not sure how oly is going to like this!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Were EXPECTING!!!!!!!!!!!!

A brand new baby to snuggle and love!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Whose child is this????

This is my little little girl who looks like a lounging beer in hand drunk man scratching himself...Thank you Melody for capturing this precious moment for me...

I am blaming this on Brent!

Trip to the Aquarium

Here some pictures from the Aquarium...The kids had a blast not sure if they had as much fun as Mike and! We had so much fun! Only Hay was gonna go until O bug saw sis was leavin and not her so we had to hurry and get her ready (cuz she is still throwing up) and it was the happiest I have seen her in well over a week!!! So I am glad we all went :)