Echo is in a small and I mean SMALL town named Coalville...We played
Our coal mining kids
fun in the hotel
Hay wanted to take some pictures
The kids turned this broken table into a slide...creative eh?
The girls...minus Smelly
Fatty with Oliver
The gang
Mom and dad
Roasting marshmellows...Paul is such a dork!
Yummy Smores!
Cousin IT making smores...which by the way she does not like but ate three anyways lol
Baby Belly :)
Hotel pool
Mike picking on Chace
Never crabby my butt! This way the only smile I got the whole trip! She screamed all night long...ALL night long!
Mike and O...He saved her from the penitentiary (her play pin)\
Such a pretty place...
Ready for tubing!
Chace had to take some pics too
Chace and Stacey
Nan and Hay
Funny Story about Harm...When we checked into our rooms they told me our room was 307 so we all get up there and I am trying to get in our room, Paul walks by and says "Is this your room?" I say ya and he walks off. So the door was not opening so I called down to the desk and our room was 302 so we get into our room...Well harm goes lookin for me and the door to 307 was open and so she went in and was looking for me and was trying to find me so she looked in the bathroom and some woman is on the says "you are not my sister" and walks off! So we walk to the pool and she is telling us about it and the woman she walked in on is at the pool!!!
Chace takin a pic of me and Oliver
Just off the boat and soooooooo happy :)
We really had a great trip...alot of packing and unpacking....even more kids fighting! But all in all I am so glad we decided to go! We got to stop in Park City and shop and see all the sites, I can not believe how much it has grown since I had been there last! The lake was beautiful and the drive was gorgeous! Lol we stopped in Heber for a potty brake on the way home (really for ice cream) and got lost our one hour drive home turned into two but we found our way finally and got to go through Provo canyon and it was so much fun!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
July 24th at Echo
Posted by Jenny at 7:50 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Im a sucker!!!!!!
Stormy and Striker
I promised Hay that she could have a cat if we moved not thinking it would happen...Well now Hay is the proud owner of not one but two kittens....I love animals but dont want them...I was bummed to find out I had to follow through with my promise.
Posted by Jenny at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Willard Bay
Cutie Patootie
What a dork
Sharing suckers
sticky faces
here try mine
Paddling out to sea...
Sharing with Giz
ready for the boat
my silly kids
Stacey and Sophie
Lets go.....
Posted by Jenny at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
The BIG move!
Who knew buying a place would be so crazy! I remember when Brent and I were looking that it was a pain in the ass and the loan part was unreal...but now that the economy is in such bad shape it is sooooo much harder!
Irregardless, I paid off my car! and I close and get my keys on Thursday!! I am so happy but super scared I have lived close to my family for so long I wont know what to do (I mean I am still close) but I mean not close enough to say "hay run upstairs to grandmas and get some salt" or something like that...
Well just wanted to share the news...And anyone who wants to come help paint I would love forever and ever :)
Posted by Jenny at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
There comes a point in your life when you realize:
Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore...
And who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
Posted by Jenny at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Taylorsville days
Oliver, Harm, Hay, Oly, Chace and Stacey.
goofy Godfrey grins...
Best Buddies :) Oly and Stace watchin the parade
Posted by Jenny at 7:43 PM 0 comments