Sunday, March 21, 2010
St. Patricks Day
Lil booger would not let me brush her hair I chased her around for 15 min and gave up...she has such thin fly away hair...blonds!!!
St pats day was also crazy hair day at Hay's school...Aunt Rena did her hair since I was already at work before she got up...crazy crazy :)
You can see Oly's toe is still bleeding it got a million time worse it swelled to the size of two toes so me my dad and rena gloved up and went into surgery! Good ole I&D (incision and drainage) but ya over a week later it is still draining and the whole lil toe turned black :( it has been seen by a dr. and they say it is on the up and up.
Posted by Jenny at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Oly and Duke
Aunt Sarena watched the girls this week while nanny Dixie was out of town. Rena brought her lil dog Duke with to help. Oly and Duke became fast friends!! This is a pic of them taking Hay to school.
Posted by Jenny at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Apparently I am far from super mom!
yes this is chocolate on her foot...hay said that chocolate helps
Ok so last weekend in the ER for the burnt lil fingers and now this weekend a broken toe! I swear I can not stay ahead of the game with my little Oly...I need super powers to keep up with her! I saw this happen and it was like slow motion. I was scrubbing the kitchen floor (because of the prior mess that she made) and she opens the cupboard grabs chicken noodle soup and it falls out of her hands I tried to catch it but was too slow :(
Just a FYI...they do nothing for broken toes! I am so thankful she has such a high tolerance for pain...poor gal!
here is a pic of the damage...and yes these are some long feet! She gets them from her worthless father!!!
Posted by Jenny at 8:20 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Visit with Crysta and the kids
Crysta, Kymbrielle, Kaelynn, and lil Damon came over today to visit us today. I love catching up with Crysta! We are thankful to have them in our lives!!
Kaelynn and Haylee
Hay bein a butt!
The lil blondies...Oly, Kymbrielle, Kaelynn and Hay...and my ugly couch!! Cant wait only four more days and I get my new furniture delivered WOOT WOOT!
Posted by Jenny at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
Oly's Burn :(
Little Oly Poly decided she was going to help me straighten my hair, she stuck her little hand in the straightener just as I closed it...OUCH! Poor baby!! I felt so bad! And we spent the morning in the Insta Care and they wrapped it for us, but of course Oly kept taking it off the lil stinker! The Dr. was worried about infection due to all the blistering...she has such a high pain tolerance! If it had been Hay she would still be crying today...Oly is a tooper! but I still feel sooooooooo bad, like I am the worlds worst mother :(
Posted by Jenny at 4:07 PM 1 comments