Okay, I've been tagged by Sara. So here goes....
The Rules: Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
Lol this is going to be tough since I have no unspectacular quirks :) just kidding!
1. DIET COKE! I love it! it is terrible for me and I don't even care. I could give up chocolate (not with out a fight lol), candy, chips but not my diet Coke!
2. I am a closet Brittany Spears lover! I love to listen to her music when I work out I don't know why but I just do :)
3. Just like Sara...I LOVE watching The Hills. I will watch it over and over and the premier shows. I get made fun of by everyone I know esp Melody but I don't care I am hooked! Hey Sara we should watch it together!!
4.I am totally a mamas girl! Any doctors appt. my mom has to be there! It is not negotiable!
5. I do not diet I eat what ever I want but for some reason I am obsessed with counting my calories (even if its like 3000) and weighing myself everyday. It drives everyone crazy but I just have to do it...not sure why????
6. I love photography I take pictures of everything, and not just one but like 3 or 4 pictures of the same thing, my philosophy is that if you take like five one is bound to be a great one! My camera goes everywhere with my...it is my third child! I need to ease up on the pics so I can get the girls scrapbooks caught up :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I have been tagged!!!
Posted by Jenny at 1:33 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
First day of kindergarten
This past Tuesday was Haylee's first day of Kindergarten. She was so excited she was dressed and ready hours before it was even time to leave. I took the day off so that it would be easier for her to have mommy take her well...she got there and was acting so big she did not need her mom she was so ready, I got teary knowing that my little Haylee was becoming a big girl. I guess it was better then her crying and clinging to my leg but man it sucked that she is getting older and needing me less and less. So the teacher lines the kids up and tells them to go into the classroom and choose a seat, so I watch them all go in and I peek to see where she sat lol big surprise she chose the ta
ble with all boys! She even came home with a crush on a boy!! My little Hay is now my big Hay :)
Posted by Jenny at 6:06 PM 2 comments