Saturday, September 13, 2008

I have been tagged!!!

Okay, I've been tagged by Sara. So here goes....
The Rules: Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

Lol this is going to be tough since I have no unspectacular quirks :) just kidding!

1. DIET COKE! I love it! it is terrible for me and I don't even care. I could give up chocolate (not with out a fight lol), candy, chips but not my diet Coke!

2. I am a closet Brittany Spears lover! I love to listen to her music when I work out I don't know why but I just do :)

3. Just like Sara...I LOVE watching The Hills. I will watch it over and over and the premier shows. I get made fun of by everyone I know esp Melody but I don't care I am hooked! Hey Sara we should watch it together!!

4.I am totally a mamas girl! Any doctors appt. my mom has to be there! It is not negotiable!

5. I do not diet I eat what ever I want but for some reason I am obsessed with counting my calories (even if its like 3000) and weighing myself everyday. It drives everyone crazy but I just have to do it...not sure why????

6. I love photography I take pictures of everything, and not just one but like 3 or 4 pictures of the same thing, my philosophy is that if you take like five one is bound to be a great one! My camera goes everywhere with is my third child! I need to ease up on the pics so I can get the girls scrapbooks caught up :)


steele life said...

lol! I am obsessed about weighing myself too, but I'm not loosing any weight. I'm just gaining! And no, not pregnant!