Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas time

It is such an interesting time of year...Everyone should be happy and healthy! but instead are busy, stressed, selfish, sick, is unfortunate! I am so thankful for my kids and family (even though I can not get my sweet Oly well) I am so happy that even though my children have unbelievably selfish fathers that I at least get to share in the holiday joy with them! It is sad that they are unable to look past their own lives long enough to think about their sweet daughters! I am thankful for every second that I get to spend with them even if it be overwhelming! I need to be a better mother and not worry about getting free time for me and cherish this time with them because they are growing so fast and I cant believe how big Oly has gotten and how much she has learned and grown since last year! I am so proud that I am able to say I am their mother! Their fathers loss it truly my gain. I am so excited to have christmas with them and that I get to see their faces on Christmas morning!

I guess all this has sprouted from them being in the car accident :( I am so lucky to not have lost them, I am just thankful! I can not imagine my life with out them, I hope one day their dads wake up and get it! It is sad that they had no idea they had even been in an accident and what they could have lost in that split second, I actually feel bad for them for missing out on such amazing kids!

Merry Christmas everyone! Have a SAFE and healthy Christmas and New Year :)