Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rabbits, Bugs, and Fish...Oh my!

While my camera was gone being fixed I missed capturing me and Stacey's adventures lol! One day on our way out to dinner I saw a rabbit in the yard and so me, Stace, Mel, and Mike went after it. It was so funny to watch Mike tackle the poor rabbit like it was a football player he was trying to take out. The kids were sad to find out the the rabbit belonged to our neighbors :( so we gave him back.

I went to put Hay to bed (she had fallen asleep on the couch) I went to grab her and there was a praying mantis just chillin on her so I caught it for her then kept it to show her in the morning...she thought he was the coolest! but we decided to show Chace then put him in the garden....But not before Stacey got to play with him LOL!

We have a new addition to our family....Fabio Dori Smith....Hay's fish! I'm way too nice of a parent! I don't like having animals, the kids are enough mess for me!