Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sooo overwhelmed!

My poor little Oly is sick...I know your thinking sick again??? Yes sick again! One of the perks of having a preemie is slim to none immune system. For the past 4 nights I have sat up with her as she has thrown up I have changed so many sheets and started so many loads of laundry and not to mention bathing her! I am so exhausted! Today I found myself falling asleep at work :( I love my kids with a love I could never explain but sometimes it would be so nice to have a break! I am tired and sad and life seems really unfair right now!!! Oh well...I hear what does not kill us only makes us stronger...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Oliver's Blessing Day

Sophie, Harm, Dad, mom, and Oliver

Grandma Dixie, Ollie, and Grandpa George

Harm and Megan

Mike, dad, big and ugly and Connie

The OC (Oliver Christian)

Sad sad Sophie

Sophie, Hay, Oly, Aleah, Hannah, Tasia, Keatley, and Lily

Tasia and Hay

Naughty lil O

Harm and the lil man of the hour

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oly's favorite pair of shoes

This is a pic of Oly right out of the tub in her are her favorite pair of shoes and they DO NOT come off even for baths! She wears them to bed and freaks if I make her take them off...she walks around saying "shoe shoes" and you do not mess with them or you get a smack from her...she means business!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sophie and Oliver

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

This Easter was a really great Easter! Aside from only getting 3 hours of sleep the night before because I have wild friends it was such a nice day! The girls were spoiled! Not only did the Easter bunny come to my house for them he also came to Stacey's, my moms, and grandmas...At the end of the day the jeep was loaded up like it was Christmas. I did get a small chance to explain to Haylee what Easter was really about not just the candy and gifts but something much more meaningful! I tried to make a slide show of all the pics but the site was being lame so I just posted all bizillion of them :)

Hay's Easter basket and toys!

Hay with her basket

Oly with her Easter gifts

All geared up and ready to ride


on and off

Walking her turtle

Did you know that radio flyer does not only make wagons? Oh no they make
little green noisy turtles.

Chace's Easter Stacey no grass!!!

Oly's push ups on her present

My lil Hay bug

Oly would not sit still to get a pic of her and Hay it was hell
she kept up and walking away the lil butt!

not walking but running away

Nanny's house...uncle Mike pickin on Oly

Loves :)

Oly and thats what she calls him

Grandma and Oly

Egg hunting


Gizmo helping Oly eat her goodies


One big happy family...ha ha

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Congrats Harm

Harmony finally had baby Oliver! 8 pounds 11 0z and 21 inches long...He is a chunky little guy he reminds me of Matt! :) It is exciting to have another little baby in the family again!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Family Pictures

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Are you serious?

So the other night when we went out for Rhonda's birthday we had a table next to a table full of guys, there was this guy obviously into me and we interacted a bit and his friend started hitting on me so he backed of but his friend had nasty teeth and there are a lot of things I can deal with but nasty teeth is not one of them!! So we chatted again then I made him dance with me because well because I wanted to dance we talked most of the night and he seemed really nice and like he had his shit together so when he asked if he could take me out sometime I was like sure and gave him my number. He starts texting me tonight and again seems pretty cool until I say that I have two kids then his whole personality changed. He goes on to tell me that he has chosen to not have children and that kids get attached to him and so he does not want to start something with "a mom" so I say "to each his own" now I am unsure why he decided to call but he calls and gives me this spill about him not wanting to be the guy to fill the father shoes and he does not want to jump into a father role. I cut him off and say "first of all my kids don't meet anyone I date unless it is serious and second what shoes? My kids have a father and he is who fills the father shoes." (Hell I don't even expect there own dads to take care of them why would I want him to? I take care of my kids get no help from the f-n sperm donors I don't need his help raising my kids.) Anyways he says "Oh ok, well I am really into you so do you want to hang out sometime?" I just laughed! I said no thanks how about you loose my number. Then he was

Who the hell do men think they are? I am convinced there is no such thing as a good guy just various degrees of jerks! Men are ridiculous they only think of themselves! I am sooooo over men! It makes me sick you either have one or the other, the men who screw you and leave or the men who "dont want to fill those shoes" Women are so lucky to get to have the opportunity to chose between the two bastards.

Twin Tummies

My poor pregnant sister! This is a pic at her shower with our cousin Kara who is about 6 weeks behind Harm....cute big bellies!

My little monster

My walky baby!

Cute shirt huh? Dillards! love it!

Ha Ha Oly

Pretty in purple

Also naughty in purple

Oly is getting so big lately! All a talkin and a walkin....And her fav word is NO! that is all I hear all day long is NO NO NO...but its a cute NO!