Sunday, November 8, 2009

Terrible and I mean TERRIBLE twos!!!

I can not tell you how many times I am told "I have never met as busy as Olivia!!" So I thought I would share some of the stories from OB kaNObie's book of NO NO NOs....
1. As you can tell she LOVES shoes! all shoes so she is always taking the shoes wearing them around then loosing just one shoe...
2. Olivia loves make up...If I leave my make up down she will try to put it on and makes one heck of a mess...brand new carpet...covered in mascara...Also Stacey's white couches :(

(Please do not mind my at the time unfinished kitchen in the back ground, so glad to have that done!!!)
3. Olivia also loves to color...with markers! She has colored every and I mean every wall in our new home I have had to repaint several times and countless hours of scrubbing...As you can see she also enjoys color herself...I know your thinking well keep up the markers...She climbs like a cat it is crazy how she gets to things she wants!

4. She will not wear a coat !
5. Her favorite two words are "NO" and "nope"
6. I was doing laundry and Hay was painting her pumpkins with acrylic paint, I picked up a stack of clothes ran up stairs I was literally gone less then a minute, I turn around to go back down stairs and there is Oly covered head to toe in Christmas green pain saying "SEE Mom" the little shit squeezed out the whole bottle into a puddle on my new tile played in it then tracked it all over my new carpet little well long skinny Brent feet across my floor and up the stairs into my bedroom...GREEN! :( I wish I would have taken a picture then but I was so mad I could not even think straight...Me, Harm, and sweet Grandma Rita scrubbed carpet for two grout is still green!!! I have to beach it.
7. She hits! Hard! like with a fist...
8. She pulls out the kitchen drawers so they form stairs and climbs onto the counter and gets goodies...
9. So she love shoes right? She shoplifted a pair of shoes from Dillards!!!
10. When I am telling her no or if anyone says something she does not like she puts her finger over your mouth and SSSHHHHH's you!

It is lucky she is so stinkin cute! And I can not wait til she turns three!