Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Random thoughts at work.

I came into work today with a nasty and I mean nasty cold, so I got sentenced to the dungeon that is the medline, no one wanted me around :(

So I was sitting at work today listening to the "Um my pain pills were stolen," "I dropped my bottle and they feel down the sink," "my dog chewed them all up" stories kinda dozing in and out due to the cold medicine that by the way was not working but made me so tired! Or maybe I was tired because I had not slept for a few days but anyways back to drifting and I thought about Hay turning six this month and it made me think about how fast that 6 years has gone and I would blink and my girls will be teenagers and exposed to all the things that parents cant protect them from. It was not until last month that I knew that the number one killer of people in the united states is mis using rx drugs, more than crashes, murders, all of those gruesome things. What kind of things will they be facing in 10 years that we never thought to be dangerous...It scares me! I get the misfortune of seeing daily how crazy people with addictions act, they are willing to lie, cheat, still, rob and even commit suicide. I really hope my girls never have to go through that kind of torment. Each one of those people were or are someones baby.

Im so thankful for everything I have and the support of so many people so that my life never gets too crazy or too much to handle! I appreciate each and everyone of you! I love you, and your always in my prayers :)