Saturday, December 20, 2008

This week!

This week has been such a yucky week! I am so glad to see it gone!!!!

This is my list of ten yucky things about this week!!! In order of least to most yuckiest!

10. Olivia is hitting terrible twos.
9. Don't like the hair cut I chose.
8. Olivia is hitting terrible twos.
7. Being sick and not getting to take a break, I am mom and dad all the time :(
6. All the snow!
5. Olivia is so so so naughty! I tell her no and she does the same thing over and over again.
4. I got a x-mas card from the Pendo, Richards, and Edwards fam (all one family) and the kids I was a nanny for are now old enough to have their own kids.
3. I had to get rid of baby.
2. too much stress and got a cold sore :( :(
1. While trying to put up my camera Oly was climbing up the chair and on to the table and slipped well lets see who should fall the kid or the camera??? I dropped my camera to catch her and broke it :( I am soooooo sad/mad!!! The little brat butt will not listen to me she just does what she wants. Oh the joys of being a parent! So know I have to take my camera in to be serviced and will have to buy another one for x-mas and new years since my cam wont be done for three weeks.

Here are some pics of Olivia's many attempts at climbing onto the table...


steele life said...

OH my gosh. I can definately relate to you about the terrible two's! Taylor (my nephew I nanny, is totally in that stage.) and oh no about the camera. What a freakin bummer.And you had to get rid of baby? Where did you take her too?? I hate the snow too, just snow in the mountains and the tree's just not the roads or the sidewalks!!! Anyway, horrible week for the both of us. We'll talk soon, we have my grandma's funeral on tuesday, and then christmas even then christmas day. So kinda hectic week comin up. But I will catch up with you soon. Love ya girl