Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dont die of shock!

My friends I am gonna share with you something very unusual that happened to me today...Let me set the scene...It is noon and oh no I lied it was one see usually I would be eating at noon but today a couple of our procedures ran a little late and through us off schedule...So back to eating, some mildly attractive drug rep brought in lunch and I ate a ton as I often ok most every meal do and our next patient was not due for a while so I thought "how am I gonna kill a few min?" "Eh I will check my email and bank balance"

Ok! You may need to sit down for this, I will pause for a moment so that you can sit....pause.....pause....Ok I checked my balance and to my surprise and I do mean surprise ORS had take money from Justin and yes gave it to me!!!!! It was like a qaurter of what he owes per month but none the less.....CHILD SUPPORT.....from Justin.....loser on unemployment....what a great day!


Becky Ray Bench said...

I can't believe it! I know you talked to me about how he got in contact with you and mentioned it but I am happy that he is coming around! I stopped my on Monday, you were dead asleep on your couch! I didn't feel like I should wake you so I didn't. Just so you know that I stopped by :)